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Spartanburg Chiropractor

"Chiropractic care with a mother's touch"

Generations Family Chiropractic has invited you to book your next appointment on their booking site.

Learn for Yourself How Specific Chiropractic Care Can Help You Get Back to Your Life!


with Dr. Tara Levesque


We exist to help people like you and your family be the best you can be! 

You can rest assured that if you're accepted as a member in our office, you will NOT be settling for temporary relief as our doctor is known for her Specificity, Customized Care, and Long-Term Results!


(864) 921-3099

Chiropractor in Spartanburg, SC

Professional Services

Specific Chiropractic Care is for those looking to improve their overall health and wellness. Our doctor explains in detail the why, how and what of subluxation focused care. You’ll want to Schedule Your Free Consultation to see if you're the right fit for our office and if our office is the right fit for you!

Specific Chiropractic Care is for you if:​

  • You desire optimal health and function for you and your family.

  • You understand chiropractic is a regular lifestyle choice and not merely a "quick-fix".

  • You are committed to your health and the health of your loved ones.

Specific Chiropractic Care is NOT for you if:

  • You are unwilling to take responsibility for your health.

  • You are looking for a "quick-fix".

  • You are not looking to take the time or energy to improve YOU. 


Generations Family Chiropractic, Spartanburg, SC

Before Dr. Tara decided to become a chiropractor she was working at an office in Maine as a chiropractic assistant. During the pregnancy of her son she realized how much support was lacking for moms-to-be. Researching pregnancy, birth and health options related to having a child, she was left feeling overwhelmed and alone. She was then determined to create a safe place mothers could go for support in whatever their health choices may be. Dr. Tara then moved to SC with her husband and son to pursue her dream of becoming a chiropractor and a caring health care provider for women in her community.


Chiropractor in Spartanburg, SC

"Dr. Tara is AMAZING! I was about 4 months pregnant when I came to her office in a lot of pain. She talked me through and explained everything to me. Made me feel really comfortable with getting adjusted while pregnant. I saw her every week during my pregnancy. Without her, I would have had a long painful pregnancy. She also sees my daughter who just turned 3! She has a warm heart and knows how to make the experience fun for children. My daughter absolutely loves her!"

~Nichole Mortimer

Chiropractor in Spartanburg, SC

"Dr. Tara sets the standard for all chiropractic offices. Her professionalism, friendliness, and expertise continue to shine, while building excellent client-to-Dr. relationships that make the whole process a pleasant one. Great prices, flexible scheduling, and communicative with the procedure so to give an understanding of exactly what you’re getting." ~ Brendon Gonzalez

Chiropractor in Spartanburg, SC

"Dr. Tara and I were connected several months ago, and I came in to get adjusted. I had migraines and back pain that would leave me in bed for days, and at only 25 years old, I wasn’t happy with staying in bed for days on end. I was also interested in getting back into the gym and getting back in shape but I couldn’t due to back pain. After a couple of months of continuing care with Dr. Tara I rarely ever have migraines, my back pain is practically non existent, and I’m so much happier with my health. Not only do I feel better physically, but emotionally too! I love going to get adjusted and getting to see Dr. Tara is one of the best parts of my week. She also offers “Health Talks” that break down the basics of chiropractic care and makes it so easy to understand. I recommend her to all of my family and friends, and will continue to do so! She’s the Best Chiropractor ever. My husband and I drive an hour every week to come see her, and don’t mind it one bit- due to the quality of care and relationship we have with Dr. Tara!"

- Katie Sherfield

Chiropractor in Spartanburg, SC

“I absolutely love how Dr. Tara is personal, dedicated, and genuinely interested in not just my chiropractic needs but my life as well. She eased my discomfort immediately before beginning any adjustments. She explains everything before doing it and it’s unlike any experience I’ve had! I would highly recommend her to anyone who has had a bad chiropractor experience or is just uneasy like I was. There was no loud cracking and pain…just adjustments! She hosts a great information session that explains why we need this service and the importance of maintenance along the way as well. I definitely feel at home the minute I walk in the office.”

- Jessica Sherfield

Chiropractor in Spartanburg, SC

"Dr Tara is very skilled in her profession. We recommend to friends and family all the time. It's nice when you find a Dr who actually cares about your well being." - Joshua Tarver

Receive our Free Ebook: "3 Secrets You Should Know When Choosing Your Chiropractor".  In this book  you’ll learn the most common mistakes people make when choosing a chiropractor and how to avoid them. You’ll also gain access to what chiropractic is and what chiropractic is not.


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Spartanburg Chiropractor

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New Member Evaluation Special

Offer includes...

✅  New Member Consultation

✅  Comprehensive Examination

(Limited Time Offer!)

* Medicare & insurance restrictions may apply.

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Please use this form for general information purposes only. DO NOT send personal health information through this form. Specific member care must be addressed during your appointment.

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